
Lenadia is my mother's name. She suffers from the disease dementia and in recent years her memory has faded progressively. Dementia (from Latin: Dementia - "without mind") is a neurological disease characterized by the irreversible loss of brain cells, which leads to a deterioration of mental abilities. It is a silent disease, from which consciousness fades and subsides over time. A person moves away from society and slowly isolates himself in his own world.

This project is a portrait of her inner world through the language of photography. It is lonely, confused, foggy, insecure and often times misunderstood by society. The symptoms of the disease are gradually destroying her, but against this tide there is no breakwater to hold back. Sooner or later the wall will collapse. The project aims to provoke the interest of the audi-ence, regarding dementia issues, through a delicate visual ap-proach.

This series will open a door to the life, emotions and soul of these people who are often misunderstood and rejected by the surrounding world. And let it be not just an eyewink, but an introspection. I believe that our society needs to see and understand the world of people with a sick mind and their families.